Mônica first born is Jullyen Matos, He is linguistics master, and school administrator. Went to Framigham university and Umass- He is her right hand and Editor/manager of all art work. He also is Evangelist and work with the youth of he’s local church in Framingham-Ma
Mônica second child is Maycon Septimio, He actually leaves in Brazil, He is lawyer, went to University Catholic of Goiás- Go, Brazil, He still doing he’s master in criminology.
Monica’s last born Lucas Septimio, born in 2004 and he is the critic of her arts and books, nothing goes out if doesn’t pass for him. He is natural artist, Monica had to learn.
Mônica Is married with Richard Ruffin ( she add his last name as Monica Septimio-Ruffin), a supporting husband and They are married since October 2018-
Monica’s also raised Sofia, her step daughter, she is high school senior and had help in the two first books as editor. Sofia is a excepcional musician.